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SECTION 5 SYSTEM MASTER Tri-Level Security System
5.1 Security System Overview
The SYSTEM MASTER Tri-Level Security System will provide you with
a fine array of System Security configuration possibilities. The
Tri-Level approach forces unauthorized users to defeat 3 levels
of security to gain access to your system(s).
You will first begin to create a secure environment by creating
a 'User Profile' for each person who will have authorized access
to your system. (See section 5.2 for details concerning the User
Profile Editor).
5.1.1 Level 1 - Personal Passwords
Within the User Profile record there is a 6 character
field for the entry of a Password. The Password may be
from 1 to 6 characters in length. (A nul password will
not be recognized at run-time). This password should
be unique because it allows SYSTEM MASTER to recognize the
user on a first name basis. It also reads the user's
'Access Level' and allows or denies access to specific
menu options base partly on the Access Level criteria.
5.1.2 Level 2 - User Access Level
Within the User Profile record there is a byte field
for the Entry of a User Access Level. The Access Level
value is read from the User Profile record at run-time
and allows or denies access to specific menu options
base partly on this criteria. The User's Access Level may
be within a range of 0 to 99. (0 = Access only to unpro-
tected options / 99 = Access to all options).
5.1.3 Level 3 - Menu Option Access Code
Within each menu option definition record there is a 6
character field which completes the Tri-Level Security
system. This Access Code, is used to further limit
access to menu options to only those individuals who
have satisfied the requirements of Security Levels 1 & 2
and who also know the Access Code written into the
menu option record.
For Example:
Joe Smith has been given an access level of 60, and a password
of JOES. Upon entry to SYSTEM MASTER he MUST provide his
password in order to access any of the menu options. Assuming
the proper password was entered, Joe may select a menu option.
When Joe selects an option, the system compares Joe's access
level to the minimum access level acceptable for anyone trying
Release Date: 21 January, 1991
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SECTION 5 SYSTEM MASTER Tri-Level Security System
to access that option. Assuming that Joe has an access code
that is equal to or greater than the specified minimum, the
system checks to see if the menu option requires that a
access code be entered. If access code IS required a box
appears on the CRT and Joe is prompted to input the access
code for the selected option. If, and ONLY if, the proper
access code is entered by the user, the menu option is
executed according to the guidelines written into the
option's command definition record.
If at any time an improper password or improper access code
are entered, or the Joe's access level is not sufficient,
a three pulse error beep is emitted, an error message is
displayed and processing returns to the option menu.
5.2 User Profile Editor
The User Profile Editor is the heart of the Tri-Level Security
approach. Initial security checks utilize the information
within the user profile record to verify access to the system,
as well as to menu options within the system.
Access to the User Profile Editor may be limited from within
the SYSTEM MASTER Customization menu. To Limit access to the
editor, you should set the minimum access level for access to
the editor to 99. Then, be sure that only the custodian of
the system (yourself) has an access level of 99 in his/her user
5.1.2 The User Profile Record
The User Profile Record consists of 12 data fields that
gather statistics about a user. Only 3 of those fields
are currently used by the system, however. The 'Name'
field, the 'Password' field and the 'AccLevel' field.
The other 9 fields will be utilized in future releases
of SYSTEM MASTER and can be completed if you desire.
A brief description of all 12 of the data fields follows: 'Name' This field holds the
full name of the user being given
access to this system.
Field length is 30 chars. 'Title' This field holds the
title of the user being given access
to this system.
Field length is 16 chars.
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SECTION 5 SYSTEM MASTER Tri-Level Security System
------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Addr' This field holds the mailing
address of the user being given access
to this system.
Field length is 30 chars. ' ' This field is an extension of
the 'addr' field.
Field length is 30 chars. 'City' This field holds the city of
residence of the user being given
access to this system.
Field length is 20 chars. 'State' This field holds the state of
residence of the user being given
access to this system.
Field length is 2 chars. 'ZipCode' This field holds the 10
digit zip code for the user being
given access to this system.
Field length is 10 chars. 'Phone' This field holds the area code
+ local phone number of the user
being given access to this system. 'Ext' This field is the Phone exten-
at which this user can be reached.
Field length is 4 chars. 'Employee' This field holds the
employee number of the user being
given access to this system.
Field length is 12 chars. 'PassWord' This field is the key
word/phrase that this user MUST use
to LogOn to this system. This field
triggers the search for the current
user & the search for the maximum
access level available to this user.
Field length is 6 chars.
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SECTION 5 SYSTEM MASTER Tri-Level Security System
------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'AccLevel' This Field holds the a
value which defines the maximum
access level this user can access.
Field ranges from 0 thru 99.
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